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Software Engineering Bachelor

I did my bachelor in one of the most prestigious Engineering School in Canada, as the training is very pratical and based on market needs. Multiple internships are also part of the mandatory curriculum.

Graduation year: 2016
Institution: École de technologie supérieure

Bachelor, Software Engineering diploma


LOG120Software Design
LOG210Object-Oriented Design
LOG240Conception et évaluation des interfaces utilisateurs
LOG320Data structures and Algorithms
LOG330Software Quality Assurance
LOG410Needs analysis and specifications
LOG430Software Architechture
LOG515project management
LOG530Software re-engineering
LOG635Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
LOG645Parrallel Computing
LOG660High performance Databases
LOG735Distributed Systems
LOG791Special projects
LOG792Graduation project in software engineering
GTI350Design and evaluation of graphic user interfaces (GUI)
GTI610Telecommunication networks
GTI619System Security
CHM131Chemistry and materials
ING150Static and Dynamic Physics
ING160Thermodynamics and Fluid mechanics
PHY332Electricity and Magnetism
PHY335Physics of electromagnetic waves
MAT145Differential and integral calculus
MAT210Logic and discrete mathematics
MAT265Differential equations
MAT350Probability and statistics
MAT472Linear algebra and space geometry
COM110Communication methods
GIA400Project profitability analysis
TIN501Environment, technology and society